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Is a Car Necessary?

Most of our Guests are very happy without a car - click here.
If you want to visit the Golden City of Prague and enjoy the Bohemian
Countryside around the Cottages, and explore "Silent Valley National Park"
then you will not want a car at all.  However there are some wonderful places
to visit in the Czech Republic.   You can reach many of these places by train
or coach, but a rental car also makes good sense. 

There is an orbital motorway around Prague, which is not yet quite complete. 
The Cottages are situated next to "Silent Valley National Park", close to the
break in the circle formed by the motorway. It only takes 10 minutes to drive
from the Cottages to the existing part of this R1 orbital motorway.  The Cottages
are therefore ideally located for exploring the Czech Republic by car. 

One of the reasons for the delay in completing the orbital motorway around Prague
is that the area around the Cottages is an area of great natural beauty, rich in
archaeological importance, and a reserve for particularly rare and important wildlife. 
At it's closest point the motorway would be the far side of a hill, 2.1km from the
Cottages - click here.    The start date for constructing this missing piece of the
orbital motorway is not yet scheduled. 

When it is built the motorway will be in a deep cutting and tunnels for two reasons -
firstly to protect the natural beauty of the area and secondly to avoid the possibility
that aircraft mistake the motorway for Prague Airport - click here to see why - for
5km the motorway will be directly in line with a Prague Airport runway.

Update - 2015 - we no longer hear any mention of the proposed motorway linkup.
It is never possible to say "never" but at the moment no one thinks it will ever be built.

Car Rental - Rent from the Airport

In 2015 we rented a reasonable car from Prague Airport for one week for only GBP Ł110. 
This is such good value that you probably do not need to read the car rental guidance below.
IdyllicPrague wrote the guidance below in 2009 when renting from Prague Airport was more expensive.

When you rent a car from Prague Airport be very careful to ensure that every blemish is recorded as
the cars are inspected very careful on return and the rental companies will charge for any damage they find.

We have heard worrying reports of highly questionable charges for suspect bodywork damage.  
Check the car very very carefully when you collect it, and insist that every blemish is recorded.  
You collect the car in poor light but return the car in bright light, so a good torch for inspecting the car on arrival is helpful.  
Take plenty of photographs.   When you return the car stay very close behind the the guy who checks your car
for bodywork imperfections and again take plenty of photographs.  If a questionable charge is levied
demand full paperwork.   If adequate paperwork is not provided complain to your credit card company
that the charge is not properly documented.   The credit card company will often refund the charge if
adequate documentation is not provided.

++++++++++++++++++++++++ No Need to Read Further! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Car Rental - Disclaimer

IdyllicPrague.com offer information about car rental, taxi, and other companies
in good faith, but without any warrantee or guarantee.  Our opinions are based
on our own experiences and the experiences of our Guests.  If you have any
information that would be useful to other Guests, please tell us, and we will
endeavour to add it to this website.

Recommended Car Rental

We no longer recommend Přerost a Švorc car rental as, if you search on the internet for a good deal, in our experience car rental from the airport can be good value.

Our recommendation for
car rental used to be Přerost a Švorc


To contact Martin Šamlot 
Přerost a Švorc  click here

IdyllicPrague.com and Guests of IdyllicPrague.com have been renting cars from
Martin Šamlot of Přerost a Švorc for several years, and all our experiences have been good. 
The rental is very affordable and the service is good and reliable. 
{2015 update - given the excellent prices of  car rental now available from Prague Airport it is a
while since we used Přerost a Švorc.  If you use them please let us know your experiences.}

Martin will arrange for your rental car to be delivered to your IdyllicPrague.com cottage and has
various solutions to offer you if you want to leave the car at the airport on your departure.
For a year now Martin has been offering the service of collecting and returning your
rental car from the free-of-charge short stay car park in front of the airport.  This is much
faster and easier than collecting and returning your car to the major international car rentals.

We recommend that you consider the possibility of taking delivery of your rental car at your
IdyllicPrague.com Cottage - it can be a very convenient arrangement and can save car rental
costs by reducing the number of days of rental you pay for.
You might, for example, take advantage of the subsidised collection service provided by IdyllicPrague.com
to travel to your holiday Cottage on your arrival, and then arrange for your rental car to be delivered
to your Cottage the next morning.  For details of "Shopping on Arrival" click here.
For IdyllicPrague.com subsidised collection from Prague Airport, or Railway Stations etc, click here.
To contact Martin Šamlot of Přerost a Švorc by email click here

We have a Guest recommendation for "A Rent Car":-
"The car (a Skoda Octavia estate) was perfect for our needs, a very good price and delivered
and collected which made a huge difference."                Mike & Mary Brighton 2009/07

Car Rental For Wheelchairs

We understand that this company will rent cars for wheelchair users.  We have no experience
of using this company.   Any suggestions or comments gratefully received.
 http://www.autonemam.cz/auto/fiat-ducato-23-jtd-jtd-mikrobus-9-mist http://www.autonemam.cz/pujcovna/fiat-ducato-2-8-jtd-mikrobus.html

Car Rental Not Airport Based

Car rental companies that are not based at the airport used to be cheaper.  But now we find that Airport Rental can be good value.

A & Knijnenberg info@royalrent.cz +420 242 444 500
A Rent car info@arentcar.cz +420 224 211 587
ABAcar revolucni@abacar.cz +420 251 550 729
Alimex ČR alimex@alimex.eu +420 233 350 001
AT Car http://www.budget.cz +420 222 319 595
Autonemam david.volf@autonemam.cz +420 737 008 622
AVIS avis@avis.cz +420 235 362 420
Avis avis@avis.cz +420 221 851 226
B.V.com. bvcar@centrum.cz +420 222 210 703
BP Car bpcar@bpcar.cz +420 220 920 241
Central Rent a Car info@rentcentral.cz +420 222 245 905
EUROPCAR airport.prgt@europcar.cz +420 220 113 207
Hertz rezervace@hertz.cz +420 225 345 000
Hertz airport@hertz.cz +420 225 345 021
RDP CZ, ac@autocratic.cz +420 602 666 665
SIXT airportprague@e-sixt.cz +420 220 115 346
TRIGA CAR s.r.o. trigacar@trigacar.cz +420 800 800 323
Vecar vecar@vecar.cz +420 224 314 361
West Car Praha auto@westcarpraha.cz +420 235 365 307


Car Rental Airport Based

Here are a few car rentals.   We recommend that you search the internet for a good deal.

tel.: +420 220 113 207 tel.: +420 225 345 021
airport.prgt@europcar.cz airport@hertz.cz
www.europcar.cz www.hertz.cz
tel.: +420 235 362 420 tel.: +420 220 115 346
avis@avis.cz airportprague@e-sixt.cz
www.avis.cz www.e-sixt.cz
BUDGET National Car, Alamo
tel.: +420 220 113 253 tel.: +420 220 114 554
budget@budget.cz apt@nationalcar.cz
www.budget.cz www.nationalcar.cz
tel.: +420 220 114 860 tel.: +420 220 113 676
airport@alimex.eu office@dvorak-rentacar.cz
www.alimex.eu www.dvorak-rentacar.cz
tel.: +420 220 113 454  

Other Car Rentals

Here are some more car rental companies we stumbled across.

Jan Kindl
A-Rent Car spol. s r.o.
Shopping Mall - Millennium Plaza
V Celnici 10
110 00  Prague 1
tel.: +420 224 229 848
       +420 224 211 587
       +420 602 489 394
fax: +420 224 212 032
e-mail:  info@arentcar.cz

Hertz, E-Sixt, Alamo, Budget Rent a Car, Czechocar ...

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